Alali, Amna |
Graduate Student |
Demographics and Social Analysis
Basolo, Victoria |
Professor, Urban Planning and Public Policy |
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Demographics and Social Analysis
Bean, Frank D. |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
Department of Sociology Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Demographics and Social Analysis Center for Demographic and Social Analysis |
SSPA 4139 949-824-7497 |
Brown, Susan K. |
Professor Emerita, Sociology, UCI |
Department of Sociology Center for Economics and Public Policy Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Demographics and Social Analysis |
SSPA 4175 |
Burton, Michael |
Professor Emeritus |
Department of Anthropology Demographics and Social Analysis Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
541 Social Science Tower |
Butts, Carter |
Chancellor's Professor |
Department of Sociology
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences Demographics and Social Analysis |
SSPA 2145 949-824-8591 |
Chavez, Leo |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
Department of Anthropology International Studies Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Demographics and Social Analysis Migration Network
3315 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway |
Chew, Ken |
Professor of Teaching, Emeritus, in Planning, Policy and Design |
Demographics and Social Analysis
Social Ecology Bldg I, room 205 |
Denning, Holly |
Graduate Student |
Demographics and Social Analysis
Domina, Thurston |
Eaves Distinguished Professor of Educational Policy and Organizational Leadership,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
Center for Administrative Data Analysis Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy Demographics and Social Analysis
Farkas, George |
Professor Emeritus, School of Education |
Department of Sociology Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Demographics and Social Analysis |
2046 Education (949) 824-3523 |
Faust, Katherine |
Professor Emerita, Sociology, UCI |
Department of Sociology Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPA 4117 949-824-9383 |
Frank, David John |
Professor & Chair |
Department of Sociology Department of Political Science Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPA 4107 949-824-1117 |
Gilly, Mary |
Dean's Leadership Circle Endowed Professor, Professor of Marketing |
Demographics and Social Analysis
SB1 5301 949.824.6154 |
Goldberg, Rachel |
Associate Professor & Director of DASA |
Department of Sociology Center for Population, Inequality and Policy Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Demographics and Social Analysis Migration Network
SSPB 4289 949-824-9683 |
Goldstein, Jordan |
Master's Student |
Demographics and Social Analysis
Grofman, Bernard |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
Department of Political Science
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences Demographics and Social Analysis |
SSPB 2291 949-824-6394 |
Hanselman, Paul |
Associate Professor |
Center for Administrative Data Analysis Department of Sociology Center for Population, Inequality and Policy Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 4251 |
Hipp, John |
Professor, Criminology, Law & Society |
Department of Sociology Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy Center for Population, Inequality and Policy Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Demographics and Social Analysis
SE2 3311 949-824-8247 |
Huffman, Matt |
Associate Dean of Student Programs and Professor |
Department of Sociology Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Demographics and Social Analysis School of Social Sciences
SSPB 4229 949-824-6460 |
Jesilow, Paul D. |
Professor Emeritus of Criminology, Law and Society |
Demographics and Social Analysis
Kaplan, Sherrie H. |
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Healthcare Measurement and Evaluation School of Medicine
Executive Co-Director, Health Policy Research Institute
Demographics and Social Analysis
100 Theory, Suite 110 (949) 824-2079 |
Lerch, Julia C. |
Assistant Professor |
Department of Sociology Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPA 4145 |
Liu, John M. |
Senior Lecturer, Asian American Studies School of Humanities Senior Lecturer, Sociology
School of Social Sciences |
Demographics and Social Analysis Migration Network
1408 Biological Sciences 3 (949) 824-7164 |
Lockwood, Emily |
Master's Student |
Demographics and Social Analysis
Matthew, Richard |
Associate Professor |
Department of Political Science Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy Demographics and Social Analysis
SE1 212C 949-824-4852 |
Maver, Sarah Elizabeth |
Master's Student |
Demographics and Social Analysis
McCleary, Richard |
Professor of Criminology, Law and Society and Planning, Policy and Design |
Demographics and Social Analysis
3315 Social Ecology II (949) 824-7280 |
Neumark, David |
Distinguished Professor, Economics, UCI; Co-Director, Center for Population, Inequality,
and Policy |
Department of Economics Center for Population, Inequality and Policy Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Centers & Departments - ESSPRI Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 3219 949-824-8496 |
Noymer, Andrew |
Associate Professor, Program in Public Health |
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy Department of Sociology Center for Population, Inequality and Policy Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences Demographics and Social Analysis
(949) 824–6620 |
Pechmann, Cornelia (Connie) |
Professor of Marketing | UCI Paul Merage School of Business |
Demographics and Social Analysis
SB1 4317 949.824.4058 |
Penner, Andrew |
Director of Undergraduate Studies & Honors Program; Professor & Director of CADA |
Department of Sociology Center for Administrative Data Analysis Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy Centers & Departments - ESSPRI Center for Population, Inequality and Policy Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Demographics and Social Analysis |
SSPA 4181 |
Piffard, Berns |
Master's Student |
Demographics and Social Analysis
Pomoy, Armaine |
Master's Student |
Demographics and Social Analysis
Prause, JoAnn |
Sr. Lecturer with Security of Employment-Emerita, Psychological Science | School of
Social Ecology
Demographics and Social Analysis
3317 Social Ecology Building II (949) 824-6435 |
Richardson, Gary |
Professor and Director, Undergraduate Honors Program, Economics |
Department of Economics Center for Economics and Public Policy Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPA 3127 949-824-5089 |
Ro, Annie |
Assistant Professor, Health Sciences/Public Health |
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Demographics and Social Analysis
2036 Anteater Instruction and Research Building (AIRB) 949-824-6185 |
Rodriguez, Nancy |
Professor of Criminology, Law and Society |
Demographics and Social Analysis Migration Network
3305 Social Ecology 2 949-824-4841 |
Rumbaut, Rubén G. |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
Department of Sociology Center for Language Science Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Demographics and Social Analysis Migration Network
SSPB 2293 949-824-2945 |
Schaefer, David |
Professor |
Department of Sociology Demographics and Social Analysis
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy |
SSPB 4253 949-824-6245 |
Schofer, Evan |
Professor |
Department of Sociology Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 4271 949-824-1397 |
Smith, David A. |
Professor |
Department of Sociology Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 4265 949-824-7292 |
Su, Yang |
Professor |
Department of Sociology Long Institute Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 4279 949-824-6800 |
Tita, George E. |
Professor, Department of Criminology, Law & Society and Director, Livable Cities Lab |
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Demographics and Social Analysis Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
2307 Social Ecology II 949.870.6549 |
Treas, Judith |
Distinguished Emerita Professor, Sociology, UCI |
Department of Sociology Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 4291 949-824-8324 |
Turney, Kristin |
Dean's Professor |
Department of Sociology Centers & Departments - ESSPRI Center for Population, Inequality and Policy Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 4283 949-824-8846 |
Vo, Penni |
Department Analyst |
Department of Sociology Demographics and Social Analysis
4221 Social Science Plaza B 949-824-2572 |
Wang, Feng |
Professor & Co-Director of Graduate Studies |
Department of Sociology Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy Long Institute Center for Population, Inequality and Policy Center for Demographic and Social Analysis Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 4285 949-824-1417 |